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Travel tip #2 Use a P+R

Do you live too far away to cycle the entire way, or does public transport fail to match your commuting requirements? Then use a P&R! Use the free parking at one of the P+R locations on the edge of the city, then continue your journey by bus or bicycle to your destination. This allows you to bypass the traffic jams and prevents the need to search for a parking space, because there is always space at the P+R.

Alle P+R locaties

P+R Haren
P+R Hoogkerk
P+R Leek
P+R Zuidhorn
P+R Reitdiep
P+R Kardinge
P+R Meerstad

Bekijk de locaties en de bezetting van de P+R-terreinen op de Slimme Kaart.

Continue by bus

The Qbuzz buses travel frequently and quickly to the city centre, the central station and the UMCG from the P&R locations. Travelling with multiple people? Then a P+R return ticket is good value. This ticket costs 6 euros and is valid for a maximum of 5 people.

 The bus lines, departure times, prices and other information can be found on the website of Qbuzz.

Continue by bycicle or e-bike

Rather cycle the last stretch? Bicycle storage and bicycle lockers are available at the P+R locations. Lockable bicycle sheds where companies can hire spaces for their employees can be found at most P+Rs. The municipality of Groningen's website contains more information about hiring bicycle lockers and bicycle storage for companies.

The electric shared bikes from Bolt and GO Sharing can also be stored and collected at the P+R locations. 

Travel via Hub

In addition to the P+R locations, Groningen and Drenthe are also home to over 50 hubs, where you can change from one mode of transport to the other. Parking spaces are available for cars or bicycles and buses and/or trains stop there. Furthermore, a hub often offers other facilities, too. Find the best hub for your journey at reisviahub.nl